As a church family, we believe in and are committed to praying for one another. You are not alone in your situation. When you share your requests with us, we stand alongside you in prayer.
We also want to encourage you to study God's Word and learn more about Jesus Christ. He is our Savior, He is our Redeemer and the One who came to this earth that suffered for us all on a cross. Why Jesus? Because He is the One who knows God and has been with God. In reading the teachings and life of Jesus here on earth, you will experience and learn from Jesus' steadfast faith in God. You will learn and gain how obtaining a relationship with our Heavenly Father is achievable right now. In the Gospel (Life of Jesus) you will learn how Jesus shares and models the effects of knowing God's amazing and powerful love. You will understand the Authority of Jesus was given by God. Jesus knows our Heavenly Father firsthand and the relationship Jesus models in the bible with God - we can have also. That's right! A relationship with our loving creator.
Theirs more! We were given a comforter and counselor - called the Holy Spirit that dwells within us.

Let me encourage you in five things:
1) Find a bible. Start in the Book of Mathew, and read one chapter a day.
2) Find a notebook and Journal what you read and reflect on it in a way that you are reading about God's Son that lives now!
3) Pray that God gives you the wisdom to discern what you are reading, and answers that you are seeking for your life, your family, and your overall purpose in life.
4) Begin to learn to replace worry with peace in the Lord's directions. Dwell on the Hope you will gain from what you read and start to develop a habit of living in the freedom that the Lord has a plan for your life. He knows what you need and what you are going through ....right now.
5) Begin to live as Jesus is right there with you everywhere you go. Talk with him, meditate on what you read through your day. Fill your day and mind with the promises and teachings of Jesus.
Amazing things will happen.....
"Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and
gave him the name that is above every name" Philippians 2:9