Homeless is a real and on-going dilemma in many small and metro cities. The factors that cause homelessness range far beyond one particular reason and include people from various backgrounds and ages.
The face of a homeless person today can simply be a single mother, newly divorced or separated who depended on another spouse /partner as the primary provider and now unable to find affordable housing. The face of homeless can be a previous businessman or women diagnosed with a disease or illness that causes a catastrophic financial debt due to lack of Health Insurance. Leading them to lose everything they own and forced to live on the streets. We have found a staggering number of Veterans that are homeless and needing new job training. Some cities the streets are filled with hundreds of homeless teens. Some forced into sex-trafficking and needing to be rescued out of a horrific life on the streets.
The fact of the matter is, homelessness fills many streets day in and day out of people needing basic resources such as food, clothing, and shelter. Ministries United contributes to helping people off the streets by partnering with local agencies and Missions and engaging individual volunteerism in vital programs while developing training and rehabilitation centers through vacant and abandoned schools.
Be An Emergency Shelter Partner |
Every winter season, thousands of homeless people are in need of a place to stay warm during the night and not freeze during the dangerously low temperatures. Becoming an Emergency shelter partner is an easy step to saving lives in your city. The real need we are asking for is temporary space for people to sleep at night. Are you a church or an organization with a room that can hold 20+ people? If so, please contact us by becoming a potential Emergency shelter partner. 1-877-684-2010 |
Homeless Veterans On The Streets |

It seems not right for someone who dedicated their life to serving our countryman and protecting our freedom we enjoy every day to be homeless. Ministries United makes it a priority that these men and women are taken care of and supported in their needs since they sacrificed to take care of us. Many of their needs go beyond housing. We ask for your financial assistance in helping our fellow veterans who are living on the streets. |
Teen Search and Rescue |
The number of teens living on the streets in various cities is on the rise. Some, are young girls that have become a victim of sex trafficking. Many are influenced into using illegal street drugs that contain gasoline, kerosene, acid and other fatal chemicals not intended to be injected into our bodies. These young people are in desperate need of our help. Many are hiding, scared and ashamed without saying. Help support this program in saving these young people with your support.
The Need For Food and Clothing Items
Donating clean clothing, tools, and your surplus building materials help us funnel some of the most critical resources needed to train tradesman, share materials among partners, cloth and financially support many of our programs. Make Ministries United your choice for donating your clean clothing and tools today. Consider doing a clothing drive at your church or workplace this season. We currently offer pickup service within the Western Washington area. For more information, please click here or "Donate Today" button to see if you are in our area of local pickup service. |