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“Let Us Unite and PRAY”

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  By Pastor Darren Caves 
14 This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we
ask  anything according to his 
will, he hears us.
1 John 5:14

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In the simple witness of this – the Lord impressed on my heart the importance of also being ready to help others in need.  I pursued the young man to buy him lunch for those that are wondering.  But the point to takeaway today is how ready and how willing are you to help others in need?   The Lord freely gave His life for us on the cross so that we may freely receive and also freely giveback.  The verse above reminds us that God puts people in our path to help others on theirs.  Everyone is on a journey in this life….some have it easier than others and some need more help. 

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Today, be ready to give without judgment of another persons look, smell or mental IQ competency. Remember in the eyes of God, each person is made in His image and He loves them all. His greatest love is when His children love back to one another in those in need.

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