You have been selected as a vendor to participate in the Ladies To Be Honored Military Wives outreach on ____(TBA)_____. This event is by invitation only to participating vendors. So you will not want to pass this great opportunity in a guaranteed 200-300 attending women ready to shop, be pampered and potential business leads. Your invitation is vaild for 30 days to the time it was issued. After that time your space will be offered to another vendor. Please choose a vendor package and follow the instructions below on how to secure your booth space.
Setup time is no later than 3:00pm on the day of the event.
Tear-down time no earlier than 9:30pm on the day of the event.
Door Prize of $20 min value may be received now until 1st September.
Literature/Merchandise for gift bags must be received by August 1st.
Booth space may not be shared with another person or business.
Booth space may not be re-sold or given away to another person or business.
No alcohol or smoking is permitted inside the facility at the event.
No refunds after September 1st 2012.
Package 'A' at $100 includes:
One 6’ Table & two chairs
One Black draped tablecloth
Vendor Business logo on “Ladies To Be Honored” Attending Webpage
Advertising Literature or Merchandise in 250 Gift Bags
Package 'B' at $130 includes:
One 6’ Table & two chairs
One Black draped tablecloth
Vendor Business logo on “Ladies To Be Honored” Attending Webpage
Advertising Literature or Merchandise in 250 Gift Bags
Electrical Access (Extension cords not supplied). First come first serve.
Steps to secure your booth space before it expires:
2)Download and print the Release Form (click here to download), sign, and fax back too 253-536-1880, and/or mail too: Attn: Ladies To Be Honored PO BOX 44980 Tacoma WA 98448
3) Email your Business/Vendor logo in gif or jpeg format too:
4) Like US and Share US on .
After all four steps are completed YOUR DONE! We will email you with reminders and any other important information periodically before the event. Any questions please call the Ministries United main line at 1-877-684-2010, ext. 812 for "Ladies To Be Honored".