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Check list page
Main Heading Pages Completed Banner Needed    Notes  
Home     1) Add one more Banner (Tacoma Banner and Seattle?) 99%
About US no   100%
Mission/Outreaches no   100%
City By City   no Last two sections finish 90%
TruthnLove   no 1) First devotion    2) Audio Devotion on How too Small group  3) Share your story on NEON,      4) On Course Series   5) What we believe   6) Take common Q&A off for now.  90%
Youth United     1) Add Facebook page to ABOUT 95%
Women United no  1) Left menu links  99%
Be A Partner   no 1) Change two right side pictures 2) proof Main body copy 3) Add "mail your gift page                                4) Live customer support number 99%
Donate no Refer to One page so not run into "Restricted Contributions" balance 100%
Sub Pages       93%
Get Involved   no 1) Add Pic 2) Proof Copy 3)NEON link 50%
NEON - Return email scripts        
Men United        
LTBH - Vendor Page        
LTBH - Church Page        
Contact Page       0%
Kids Page     1) 4 Banners 2) Bulleted Verbiage wrote 80%
Ladies To BE Honored Page     100%
About Carrie no   100%
Neon Template   1) Bottom has "Launch in March" 100%
Christian Artist Page     See Compassion 5%
My Letter   no Finish 75%
Prayer Request Page     100%
Todays Devotion     1) 10 Devotions Ready- how to do 365 or weekly 2) Voice over test 20%
My Story Page       20%
MU Facebook     1) Create, add contact info 5%
Women Facebook   no 1) Publish 2) Promote 3) Invite friends 4) Training with Carrie 5%
Youth Facebook     1)Create 2) Promote 3) Invite friends 5%
Test Neon Live     Do simple registration, partnership, and event ticketed registration tests  
Crossbearers     1) Phase one 2013 write-up, pool apps 2)Find site too model 3) callback seminary  
LINK QuickBooks & NEON     1) Chart of Accounts Sync correctly  
Test Other Browsers     1) I.E 2) Mozilla 3) Firebox 4) On the MAC  
Define Culture/Language Cross     1) Start with Spanish version to convert too….how? See JM  
Order Voiceover TruthnLove     $80.00  
Add Live Phone Support     $800  
Upgrade Radiant Monthly Act     Plus $40.00 a Month ($99.00)  
Pre-Launch Check List made        
MASK NEON Pages     $300  
Call Merch Services     American Express?   Active on NEON  
Neon Prayer Request Form        
Neon Donate Page        
NEON Your Story Form        
Help Page        
Watch Hit Counter        
Create Marketing Viral campaign