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“Developing a Habit and Certainty in Prayer”

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  By Pastor Darren Caves 

One day soon afterward Jesus went up on a mountain to pray, and he prayed to God all night..

Luke 6:12 NLT



We continually offer our prayers for you and all our Ministries United Partners. Allow me to inspire you with an example from the life of Jesus, which we should strive to emulate. For those who desire to learn and grow by following a significant practice that Jesus regularly engaged in, it can be summarized as follows: Jesus consistently dedicated himself to "Prayer to our Heavenly Father" and maintained an unbroken connection with God the Father. Prayer goes beyond merely seeking substantial blessings that may be beyond our reach. It's essential to grasp that Jesus' prayer time was not solely about God listening to His requests; it was more about discerning God's will for Jesus and finding the strength to carry it out. His time of prayer with God was a communal experience that brought perfect focus and uninterrupted communion with the One He loved above all else—our Heavenly Father. According to the scriptures, Christ's prayer time was exceptionally special, nurturing a profound and powerful relational bond marked by unwavering love and devotion. In His yearning to be with God, Christ exemplified His love and relationship with the Heavenly Father, often withdrawing in solitude for prayer.

Jesus never mentioned unanswered prayer. He possessed unwavering assurance and certainty that God understood the desires of His heart, heard His prayers, and would guide Him every step of the way, of the Father's will day by day. We should model our prayer lives after Jesus, making them continuous, relational with God, and spiritually anchored through the Holy Spirit. This calls for discipline and the cultivation of a daily habit that will eventually lead to a transformation of your mind and heart, nurturing a relational love for God that surpasses imagination.

Diligent prayer is the solution for all circumstances, with nothing too small or too significant for God to handle. In our intricate world, filled with people who are hungry both physically and spiritually, we must not only offer personal prayers but also set aside time to intercede for the world and all of humanity, following Jesus' example.


Pastor Darren